This section is devoted to examples, parables, and stories my teacher gave in various workshops which I have found valuable to my self observation, application and different ways to see everyday challenges. Whenever I can, I spend a little time transcribing the workshops; and as I do, I find "in depth" examples about each of the ideas. Therefore, as I discover these little "gems" I will add them to this web site. Perhaps they will enable you to see your challenges differently and enable you to handle them in a way that is more to your advantage.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- 2 Feelings About Everything (added text)
- Allergies
- Authorities - Experts - Officials - Laymen
- Boy / Girl Relationship
- Business
- Business Survival
- Cattleman's Restaurant
- Cinderella Story
- Comparing
- Choosing How I See People
- Constants and Variables (state of knowing-"this" and "that"
- Dead Horse Story
- Did I Do the Right Thing?
- Discipline
- Dog and the Water Story (The)
- Donkey Story Regarding Happiness
- Egg, Worm, Cocoon and Butterfly Parable
- Ending Resistance
- Energy--Generating or Dissipating Energy
- Experience plus Knowledge plus Valuing equals Wisdom
- Fear
- Floundering Town (The Story of The)
- Fox and the Lion Story (The)
- Freedom - (TNT) Newport Beach - June 24, 1980
- Generosity
- Generosity Story
- Good or Bad? -- Arabian Horse Story
- Habits - (TNT) Newport Beach - June 9, 1980
- How We Got Here
- Information plus Opportunity (A) = Peace of Mind
- Initiation - The Esoteric School - Salt Lake City, 1971
- In-time and Out-of-Time
- Integration Not as a Goal
- Judger
- The Little Match Girl
- Law of Balance
- Loaf of Bread Story (Meaning of the Word "Grace")
- The Lion Tamer
- Lock the Door Story
- Mistakes
- My Inner Feeling
- Misconception
- Mrs. Brown (The Story of)
- Mrs. Roach Story (The) [the complainer]
- Multi-tasking
- Old Beck - The Art of Being Contrary
- Pets - From Newsletter 1985 (NEW)
- PRINCIPLES BY RHONDELL - From Unknown Workshop (NEW)
- Oneness - Maryland - Dec., 1978
- Romantic Love / Marriage
- Receiving Graciously
- Red Skelton Story (The) [false pictures]
- Self Pity
- Self Image
- Sex
- Should's & Ought-to's
- Story of Jungle, Justice, Love, and Purpose
- Teachers in Disguise - Scottsdale, AZ 1969
- The Party Story
- The Traveler and The Tripper
- Understanding The Lord's Prayer - Phoenix, 1970
- Unpaid
- Vital Interest - What is it?
- "Why" Question
- What and the How - Washington, DC - March 18, 1978
- What Will People Think
- Wealth-Seeing I already have