Seeds of Spring

A quick note to let you know that we have new materials on the website at  Check out “Excerpts” for 3 new talks (Sex, The Party Story, and Being Contrary.)

The drop-down menu under “Basics” now includes Books, Pamphlets AND Handouts Dr. Robert Rhondell Gibson (Dr. Bob) passed out over the years. Learn how to effectively Avoid Prosperity or… How to Raise a Delinquent.  Also you’ll find 2 poems with beautiful messages that he passed out over the years.

Under “Workshops” we’ve added “The Fourth Way.”  Are we Aliens here to build a colony?

Project Preservation continues to gather Dr. Bob’s materials from around the world to put in the “ark” that is  For those who asked how they could help out, we could use more Proofreaders to simultaneously listen to the audios (see “Links” section) and proofread what’s been transcribed.  If you’re interested, (or have comments, questions or ideas to share) feel free to contact Tina:

Marsha and gang

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