
Have you ever experienced feeling guilty? Did it haunt you? Did you ever question where it came from? Thanks to the teaching ideas, I have a bit more information to expose this miserable-making emotion.

With the 48 basic tapes, we look into ideals and how we have been conditioned by parents, church, school, society and peers as to what’s right, what’s wrong and what’s good and what’s bad about everything and everyone in this manmade world we’re in.

So with these many bits of conflicting ideas, of what ought to be, beliefs and conclusions WE HAVE ACCEPTED conflict between “A” side and “B” side.  There is fertile ground to always feel guilty for not doing the right thing. Unobserved, I have known those who are burdened with guilt and taken it to the grave missing much of the privilege of life here on earth.

Recently I happened upon “Bible and the inner man” – the first segment of tape 6 takes an idea from Ephesians Chapter 5, verse 14.

Dr. Bob gave us another way to look at the message when applying it to the picture of man which is split in two—the “A side being complain, stick up for rights, and blame to get my way.  The “B” side uses the pleaser, quoting accepted authorities and self-improvement.

So with a question asking where it comes from, Dr. Bob said that if something brings up an A side reaction and we express it, we covertly don’t realize that we justified our verbiage or violent behavior.  Now the interesting part.

He defined it as having justified a behavior from being asleep and mechanically reacting with methods from the “A” side of complaining, sticking up for rights or blaming and afterwards the thoughts flip to the self-righteous side of picture of man to berate the self for said behavior used by justification thereby causing much conflict, struggle and resistance with no relief in sight. 

It is to our advantage to see what’s going on and Dr. Bob commented “Have you ever held guilt long enough that it subsided”.

I’ve found one idea that can work on that is having agape for self; but I’ll let you look that up on the website for yourself.

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