Personal Taste

As a new little spirit, I – the being named Marsha – was subject to believing that everyone was an authority over me so I needed to heed their suggestions, opinions and conclusions (which included those of parents and religion).  Of course as I grew, my peers created further conflict with their striving to gain independence.

So, by the time I came to the teachings, I didn’t know good from bad in the realm of food and what to eat since all those I asked had differing opinions.

At a workshop, Dr. Bob mentioned an idea of personal taste.  Wow, that encouraged me to check out the opinions of others.

Now one day I discovered a container in the fridge — being blind makes every day an adventure.  I was told they were egg bites and contained egg whites, spinach and a couple other items.  I was also told they weren’t very good. 

But in light of knowing about personal taste, I decided to try them to decide for myself.  I found I did like them.

Very often in the workshops, Dr. Bob says “check out for self”.  These ideas are very valuable to remember and experiment with in our daily lives.  Being what is called “awake” can lessen confusion and help us to discover what is to our advantage.

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