Do these two words sound like the same thing?
It can be enlightening to check out the four dual basic urges and observe self throughout the day.
The teaching speaks of wanting non-disturbance. In other words we do and say things to GET non-disturbance.
Just what is non-disturbance; and what are we trying to GET? There is an outline of the four dual basic urges on the webpage – See under “Illustrations.”
On the physical level we unconsciously try to gain comfort and pleasure and escape pain or discomfort
On a mental level we unconsciously try to gain attention and escape being ignored or rejected.
On an emotional level we unconsciously try to gain approval and escape disapproval.
And the fourth level is referred to by different names — sometimes spiritual, sometimes transcendental; but we unconsciously try to gain a feeling of being needed or importance and try to escape a feeling of inferiority or insignificance.
In “The Place of Language” of the teachings, (also on my website) peace is defined as an “absence of competition.” I’ve also heard it defined as “not wanting to change anything”. So if I’m peaceful, it is a “state of being” rather than trying to GET non-disturbance.
I AM peaceful, but sometimes I go to sleep and seek non-disturbance – i.e. gain comfort, attention, approval, being needed; and escape pain, ignored, disapproval and insignificance.