Exercises - The Three Brains - (Developing listening so one can hear Intuition)
(From workshop in Port Orange, Florida)
(Audience participation in parenthesis)
[Brackets for clarification]
First off, let's look and see if we can find something else about us human beings-strange creatures. This one we'll talk about the brain situation.
You have three of them-we're called three brained creatures. So we'll consider what each brain does and what we can do with them if need be.
The first brain, number one, is called a primitive brain. They call it primitive because the most primitive creatures on earth have it. They only have one. The primitive brain looks after the body-it does a very good job of taking care of it. If you get excited, it runs the heart rate up, blood pressure up and digestion stops and all that good stuff. So it knows exactly what to do for it. If you exercise, it makes the muscles stronger. If you goof off, it makes 'em weaker-so it won't do anything for you if you don't need it. If you go out and lift big weights, it will build big muscles on you. It digests food, tells you when you're sleepy; and when you go to sleep, it tells you when to wake up. It takes perfectly good care of the body; and I suppose it laughs a lot when it hears people say they should do this for their health and that for their health--that they should take a little exercise and they should eat some oat bran and what-have-you-it knows exactly what you need if you just listen to it-it takes good care of the body. So number one is the primitive brain.
Number two is the brain of logic and reason. It works real well to work math problems. It does a few other things but not near as much as we ask of it. We ask it to tell us "what to do in the future", and "what to do to get rich", and "what to do to be peaceful" and all this kind of stuff; and it winds up with a lot of confusion and conflict and a lot of noise inside.
So if we look at it as the brain of logic and reason, we would use it for logic and reason to work math problems and what-have-you, and we wouldn't try to use it for living purposes. But everybody tries to use it as a living ordinance and it doesn't work very well.
Number three brain is called the intuitive brain. Now it has intuitive action, and it only works when everything else is quiet. So you hear about a quiet mind. This is what you work for is to have a quiet mind, and then intuition takes place.
I heard some gentlemen talking about writing a song. They said they sat down and tried to use logic and reason and they couldn't get a word one. Worked for hours. Finally they just gave up, and let the mind go quiet. They were just quiet and "doing nothing so to speak" and all of a sudden they had a whole song written out in a flash. Intuition made it available.
So we do a pretty good job of trying to control the primitive brain. And we do a pretty good job of trying to use the logic and reason brain for everything; but we usually do nothing with the intuitive brain. So suppose we kind of learn a little bit about how to use it.
One of the best things you can do to get the mind real quiet is to listen. I don't care if you're out in the desert or on the coast or on the beach-you just listen to see what you can hear and you're very quiet-you'll find the mind gets quiet almost instantly once you start listening-really listening!
Do you want to try it right now?
(I was hearing the bird outside.)
Just listen. Are you thinking anything? Are you listening?
Quiet as can be, isn't it?
So then if you had something you wanted to know, you'd ask the question and then, shall we say, just listen intently for a little bit. The mind becomes very quiet and then you will know from intuition, basically, what you asked about. You'll know it. But the intuitive brain is never used. So let's do something that wasn't done before, let's use it, ok? Just listen and intuition comes into being very quickly.
I knew a man who was needing some two million dollars for a project he was working on and he had exhausted all his logic and reason. He didn't find ten cents. So I talked to him about letting intuition do it and being quiet. He went home and said he listened for an hour, and all of a sudden he thought of how to get the two million dollars. He found it the next morning without any sweat. Seems kind of strange, but that's the way it works. So it's not that X maybe tells us what it is, but we have an intuitive function within ourselves, within the third brain, which will tell you what you can do. But the prerequisite is that you be absolutely quiet in the logic and reason area so that it's not chattering away; and you can get that done very quickly by listening-just intensely listening-it quiets it down in a hurry. Try it right now.
(I thought of some things that I could use this on……)
Well, how about just listening right now see what happens, ok?
You listening? What do you hear?
(The wind.)
So, you're not thinking-you just hear it. You're thoughts all quit, didn't they? That's what you're working for.
So this is the way you get intuition turned on. Now the primitive brain seems to work very nicely at taking care of the body except when you use logic and reason to determine "you know how to run a body".
But wouldn't it be funny if we had to arrange to keep our blood pressure at a certain level-keep the digestion going on at the moment-the circulation of the blood going on-elimination going on. Wouldn't we be rather busy, huh? Did you ever think of the thousands of functions going on in a human body right now; and if you had to look after all of them, you'd be very busy-in fact, I don't think you could get it done.
So the primitive brain works the best when you're not thinking of what you should or should not do to be healthy. Logic and reason is a wonderful brain, it's a wonderful gift of great value when it is used for the things that logic and reason work for-mostly math problems. So the logic and reason brain is very useful for when you're doing mechanical things or many things that work with logic and reason; but it can't tell you the unknown things. The unknown things that you want to know, quite often, can only be handled by intuition-so you listen for intuition and use it, ok?
Now then let's have some conversation about these three things here-some comments and discussion.
(In asking intuition, can that also apply for if you're asking information for something you're not remembering at the moment.)
That would be a part of it. A memory cue for you, ok?
(Do all those brains have memories?)
I don't know that this one does. [Don't know what he was pointing at---probably the primitive brain.] This one [probably logic and reason] seems to have considerable memory, and this one doesn't have memory [probably intuitive brain]. This one works on immediately moment by moment-right now.
(But if you ask something you knew once before, that isn't where it comes from?)
It would probably know what you were asking from down here, so it could tell you, yes.
(One time I met someone who gave me a name, and I knew I must have known that person by some other name; and weeks later, suddenly, her real name flashed through my mind. I wasn't even asking, and so…..)
You were quiet that moment.
(I was taking a shower. Do you think that came from…..[interruption on the tape and I couldn't hear])
We all have things like that happen.
(Would intuition be like being in contact with universal mind?)
That's probably one way of saying it., yes.
(If I want to have my memory better than what it is. Would that be a function of intuition?)
Yeah, that would be under intuition-you say I'd like to remember better. And you get real quiet and it will tell you how, ok?
(What are some forms of questions you can put to this intuitive mind?-like, you just had one like, "I'd like to remember better.")
First off, you ask any question that you see fit to ask-that you want to know about; not just foolishness, but you want to know about. You get the mind quiet by………. I gave you a technique-listen-and then you will hear an answer. You will realize an answer-call it realization or whatever you want, but you will know the answer very shortly, ok? Does that answer your question?
(If there's something you're trying to work out and it just won't come and won't come, that's because you're trying to use the logic and reason part of the brain instead of just listening?)
That's right, and you got to get the mind quiet; and the easiest way to get it quiet is just to listen. That's the easy way.
(You can use mind and brain interchangeably? Is there a difference?)
No they're pretty much the same-brain has mind, mind has brain. So you don't catch a mind out here running around without a brain; and you don't find a brain likewise.
(Could you amplify a little on stilling the mind to pay attention.)
Stilling the mind?
(Stilling the chatter.)
I said that you would listen very intently, ok? That's the easiest way. There's probably other ways, but that's the easiest way. Just try it right now. Listen and see if you think. Do you?
(Oh I see what you mean-you can't do two things at the same time.)
You can't do two things at the same time.
(Is the information 100 percent accurate?)
As far as I've ever checked. I don't know, it may fizzle once in a while; but I've never seen it happen.
(Sometimes I'm working over things or get confused or whatever. I keep a journal, and I'll write things in it; and I'll be asking questions in my journal and from somewhere answers start coming for things to try, or "work out", start coming through my hands. Is that the intuition that's coming through?)
I'd say that's intuition, if you're quiet. If you're not quiet, you're liable to imagine things and then information is not correct, ok? But if you're really quiet, I find the information is always correct and it happens. So I'd say that's intuition you're getting there.
Another question, comment?
(Does this correspond to biological structure of the brain like cerebral cortex.)
Yes, there's a reasonable correspondence, but I'm not going into it, ok? The brain is usually in two pieces instead of one, but the two pieces work as one.
(Would you agree with the following two statements. One, if you're listening, you have to be in an attentive state-you can't listen without being attentive. So you're ability to listen is controlled by your ability to be attentive.)
That's correct.
(The second one in this one's experience is that the logic and reason brain is a usurper, it takes credit for what comes out of the intuitive.)
It likes to.
(I used to give credit to my logic and reason; but it was actually intuitive that was at work.)
So now you know the difference. Ok, good. Intuitive is much more valuable. Logic and reason is useful in it's place…..
(And a hell-of-a lot faster.)
Very much faster, it is a high speed computer instead of an old slowpoke.
(You mentioned about doing what I want to do and not doing what I don't want to do.)
What is it you don't want to do.
(As I was working with it yesterday, I found out I didn't know what I wanted to do because all the logic and reason was talking-I couldn't make a decision about something. So what you're saying is get off by myself and be quiet.)
Anywhere whether you're in a crowd of people or by yourself-listen and you're brain will get quiet-you'll quit thinking and then you can get the answer to your question-What do I want to do?
(If it gives it to you right away, it's usually chatter and not the intuition?)
No, I can give it to you right quick.
(But you'll know!)
It will sound altogether different-different flavor, different taste, everything. Have we worn that subject out? I don't think you wore it out yet?
(Can you use the intuition on anything?)
Yeah, anything that you want to know the answer to.
(On things like What's going on here now?)
Yeah, you can ask that and it will give you a quick answer to it.
(Can you listen to improve your conscious contact with X to get that channel open? When you're listening, can you simply value taking time to sit down and listen for X with no particular conscious problem, but just to see what X has to say?)
(No? It has to be something……….)
It's something you want to know.