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Exercises - Observation

Dr Robert Gibson
Handout from early 70’s, probably at the Albion School

Whenever one disclaims agreement with ideas, purposes, and leaders of any institution (something started by man, something instituted) one becomes an alien to that institution. Present society, and the many aspects of it, is founded on anti-agape and thus must have the police power to punish, banish, extract fines, etc. to protect and uphold the institutions.

On coming in contact with certain ideas and experimenting with these ideas, one finds that anti-agape is a dream, an illusion — that the only reality of the idea is agreement. The person coming upon this discovery at once is an alien to the institutions and agreements he or she formerly lived by and with. That person is both dying and being reborn. Being born into the earth world is to die to the uterine world. A seed dies to the seed world to be born into the plant world. The pupa dies to the cocoon world to be born into the moth world. So dying to the conditioned world is the start to being born into the world of agape – Love, understanding.

Having seen this little and thus being alien, one must go further whether one wishes to or not. To assume at this point leads to violence. To proceed slowly by experiment is the way of the wise man.


1)  We are aliens here – the people. Natives all feel that everything they do is right, proper, and/or justifiable and get quite upset at any suggestion to the contrary. We may think that we know that something different is right, proper and/or justifiable, but that idea is based on the rules of another world. So we Practice Agape consciously at all times.

2) The people here like to be nondisturbed in their manner, customs, likes and dislikes, reactions, et cetera. They get highly irritable at any disturbance of these. Therefore, we being aliens here can do well to Be Consciously Considerate and pay attention to their manner and customs. Be considerate and not expect them to be.

3) The beings in this world, in which we find self, have a custom – or seemingly a “need” – to feel constantly that the individual is not responsible for I in any way. That “I” am a victim of something. In order to have these comfortable (to them) illusions, they suggest to I and each other that I owns aspects of self – occupations and things – instead of being. Seeing that this destroys these beings we are with, we will Be Harmless and not join in that particular game. Nor will we by the necessary associations with them and not being conscious, pick up the illusion and be Harmful to I. Or if “I” have already picked up the custom, Stop.

Be wise as a serpent — watch everything,
And harmless as a dove — neither agree nor disagree.
Just make a cooing sound.

4) Inasmuch as we arrived in this alien world poorly equipped (to say the least about inability) to survive and found those present to be compassionate enough to provide for us (from what reasons we know not – love, fear, guilt, sound asleep and thought we were of them, etc.), until now we are relatively capable and can Make Some Contribution. One thing I can at least contribute at all times is to set a pleasant harmonious mood wherever I am.


Having seen that I am an alien in a beautiful world of beings that sleepwalk – operate rather mechanically – and feeling the inner urge to mimic that which I am around all the time, some few have gathered to work for the purpose of maintaining, enhancing, and expanding consciousness by the art and practice of:

By being Architects and Builders of increased Consciousness.
The Art and craft of Being Conscious

We are learning the ABCs of a new Life. We will consciously practice the four possible arts of survival (staying conscious) as outlined above, for six months. And ask those working with I to remind I when they see I dropping into the spell of mimicry.

The four possible arts of survival as an alien:
1) Agape
2) Being Conscious
3) Being Harmless
4) Making a contribution to Life

Salvage that which was lost. Pass from death to Life. What was lost was most of I. Without being conscious, any and all other efforts and attainments are as the rattle of empty beer cans. Without the practice of Numbers 2, 3, and 4 in the possible purpose, there is danger of being exposed and arousing the reaction of hatred in the natives. Many aliens in the past failed in this and were executed. Avoid heedlessness!