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Workshop - Life's Word Workshop Lake Whitney, TX - 1981 - Page 1 of 4

There is a beautiful little book entitled
Life’s Word
by Anonymous

You can click on the link above for PDF or go to to purchase a soft cover copy.
Dr. Bob was asked to comment on the material for clarification.  It has been transcribed verbatim, in the vernacular of Dr. Bob’s “Kentucky-ese”.

(Note: Audience comments are in parenthesis.)
[Dr. Bob’s comments within his reading of Life’s Word are in brackets.]
[Clarifications and Suggested Links to Illustrations on this website are in brackets and italicized.]

Since this Workshop transcription came out to about 50,000 words, it is included here in continuing parts for the facility of loading these pages. There is no particulat relevance or topic to each page as it just continues from one page to the next via the links at the end. - Marsha

Well, after all that build-up, I feel like gettin’ on a plane and goin’ back to California, but I guess we’ll stick around here as long as we got here.  Since I was here last, we no longer have chalk.  I wore clothes that wouldn’t matter today instead of my dark ones, and we have “gook” here today. 

Now I was requested by Marcy and by a few other people to talk on Life’s Word.  That’s a little book that we’ve put out.  I have it printed.  It has no author’s name on it except Life.  And I have always resisted talking on the book, because I thought everybody could just go ahead and read it.  But in as much as it was requested, and it makes it very easy for me, and I’m lazy, I will talk on Life’s Word today.  And if you can stand it tonight, we’ll continue on it tomorrow.  Is that all right?  And if you don’t like it, why, say so and we’ll quit.  Now the only way I know to talk about it is somewhat read it and point out some of the things, as I understand it, what it refers to.  Now, I’m going to read it with simple, everyday, modern, pseudo English.  It’s written in very high-soundin’ “thee’s” and “thou’s” and “thy’s” and all that stuff and I can’t hack that, so I will just stick to “you” and “me” and etc.

I’m going to draw a little picture [See Picture of Man in Illustrations] here which you have seen somewheres along if you’ve been here before.  That here is a Physical Body, which seems to be a very essential thing for people to get along with.  And in here is an Awareness.  Some people call that “mind”.  I do not.  And somethin’ here that we will call Life and we will refer to it with the letter “X”.  When I went to school a long time ago, they told me that in algebra, that if you knew somethin’ existed and didn’t know what it was, you put an “X” there.  So, I know that somethin’ exists, but I don’t know what it is, so we’ll put an “X”.  And there’s always some Function of a human being, is always makin’ some function.  So we’re going to talk about this and I may point to it ever now and then from out of Life’s Word.  Now, if you don’t like the way we do this, by reading about it and comments on it, which is the only way I know to do what Miss Marcy requested.  And you know, what Marcy requests, Marcy gets.  Doesn’t she, Bob?  Did he leave already?  (laughter)  So at any rate, we will proceed with it on that basis.  So I had one in my pocket, and so this one here can still be sold.  I happened to find one in my pocket.  Incidentally, we have a new edition of it that we had printed in Canada and it’s in beautiful, blue and white print.  It’s in color and a slick finish.  Do you have any of those down there, Marcy?  Well, order ‘em, Donna.  They cost more, but they’re worth more cause they’re pretty.  They have the same words in ‘em, understand, but it’s been newly typeset and published in a very deluxe edition, to which everybody could have one and I think the price went up, less than the inflation rate.  Ok?  I told Donna when she called me to see if I’d come here, that I couldn’t come for what she used to charge.  Because inflation’s gone up.  The airplane tickets have gone up and ever other thing has gone up.  Parkin’s gone up, gasoline to get down to the airport went up, so we finally negotiated and I let her talk me out of most of it but not quite all.  (laughter)  And from now on, we’re really gonna hang it on, you know… we’re really gonna get with it the next time.  So you got the bargain this time.  So we’ll start with Life’s Word

First Mystery:  Thou art I, Myself!

It starts off and says -
I am Life.

So the writer of this little booklet, book claims to be Life.  Who are we to find fault with it?

I live in all bodies inspiring them always to do My will.

Now, frequently I hear people say, "If I only knew the Lord's will, I’d do it - if He'd just let me in on it."  And seems He says, “I already got you doing it,” so you don't have to worry about that one anymore.

This book eliminates all worry and concern if you take it a little seriously. It really gets all these things that we fret and worry about and make so important - our “evolvement” and our “enlightenment” and our “gettin’ with it”, and all this stuff - it gets rid of it.

I inspire this message, which is for those only who can receive it.

Now, of course, that's all of us.  Now, we may receive it slightly different, but we'll hear something, somewhere through the thing - I’ll guarantee you'll hear something - and that something is plenty.  You don't have to get ever word.  In fact if you only get one of them, you'll do quite fine.  It says -

I know all Mysteries.  That which I send has a hidden
or inward meaning for you.  If your inward heart does not
see the wondrous truth, be sure the brain mistaketh the meaning.

Now, the word "thy" is used all along through this little book, and “thy” has been understood by many people to refer to as a pronoun.  But it is the word “the” - t-h-e.  I believe it's pronounced these days as “the”, is that correct?  I never have been able to get it that way.  I have a hard enough time with “the”. 

… be sure the brain mistaketh the meaning.

And it does that by interpreting accordin’ to its preconceived opinions or frame of reference.

Think not that Life’s Word is of no interest.  If the body thrills when touched by earthly joys, how much more will it thrill to the touch of that which is Heavenly!  If the blood flows quicker and the tears spring forth
when earthly emotions quicken you, how deep and strong shall be the current when I put Mine own hand on the heart!

Now, uh, Life deals with awareness.  This thing we put as “Awareness” is, in this little book, called “heart.”  Now, it doesn't refer to that little pumpin’ piece of meat in our chest.  It refers to one’s, what one does as being aware, is called the heart.  And the heart is what determines what will be done.  If you say, “I'm going to stand up,” why the heart has determined that, and you stand up.  Now, you don't know how to stand up.  I don't think.  I've noticed that most people think they push up from their feet, but I've observed that you're pulled up by your head just far enough to reach the ground.  I think that's the way it works.  Try it and see if you can get up without tightenin’ up your neck.  Anybody wanna try that, Mack?  See if you can get up with your neck relaxed.

(No, I don't care to try it.)

So you see, your head pulls that long carcass up ‘til it's straight up and down above the ground; and you don't know “how” to do it.  You only determine “what”.  Now, the heart says “what”.  X takes care of the “how”.  Now, don't jump that in that you decided what you wanted was a new Rolls Royce and you figure that X will buy it for you.  I've noticed it is really not interested whether you have a Rolls or not.

Fear not Life's word.

Now, I've had a lot of people that say, "That thing just scares me to death."  Well, don't read it, you know, why bother with it?  Nobody told you, you had to read it.  I just make it available.  If it frightens you, lay it down.

Fear not Life's Word.  It will strip you bare of the complacency.  It
will destroy the self-righteousness. It will show you that you
have always condemned Me unknowingly.

That's Life.

And it will humiliate you to the dust.  Yet fear it not for you are Mine.  Unto Myself I have taken you, though you do not know it.

So we wouldn't be here.  We wouldn't be doing anything unless Life had decided it.  Now we think, "Well, I decided to go out to Lake Whitney for the weekend,” but you know, there's a lot of things you decided to do didn't happen very well.  So Life says, "Well, you can profit from this, so you will get involved in it in some way or other.”  So you got here.

Fear is a lack of trust - a trust in Life.

You know that's what everybody fears, is that Life don't know what to do.  Is that right, Mary?  You know, you figure little old Mary’s got to figure it all out; but really, you don't have to know what to eat.  Life’ll tell you you're hungry for peanut butter and you get peanut butter.  After a while it tells you you're hungry for biscuit and sausage and you get that.  And after a while it says a little shot of grits would be pretty good and so on.  So it tells you and you don't have to figure all that stuff out.

Fear is lack of trust.  If you do not trust Me [Life], whom will you trust?

Used car dealers, I heard. 

Will you put the trust in father or mother or brother or sister?

You know, we sometimes think maybe the relatives will take care of us, but I'm gettin’ along all right without relatives.  I had some once, but they didn't help much, so I departed, you know.  I don't think I have any anymore.

These too, do My will, however selfishly they seem to act toward you.  Have you found that they betray the confidence that you put in them?  That they expect of you that which you cannot give?

You know, a lot of folks expected an awful lot of you that you didn't seem to deliver; and you got very upset and so you felt, "I just can't please people," or "They're very difficult to please."  Or some folks even go so far as to feel guilty cause they can't please everybody.  Of course none of us, I'm sure, ever did that.  You wouldn't do that, would you, Beth?  Feel guilty because you didn't please everbody?  Not me, huh?

(I lie.)

You lie well too, Beth, don't you?  I noticed that.

Blame them not.  They are My ministers
to bring you unto Myself in perfect surrender.

Now, surrender doesn't mean to become an abject nothing.  Surrender means that I have ceased to know what ought to be.  Now, that's a pretty hard thing to give up, you know, because we are experts in knowing what ought to be.  “I know how you oughta behave and how you oughta behave and how you should do everything and, whatever.”  But you know if that could be given up, it's called “surrender” which means possibly the things that we feel we are most rich with is: "I know what ought to be”, “I know how you ought to behave, I know what you ought to do.”  You know…  I really don't.  And I don't even know what I ought to do.  But let's say that we could give up thinking we know what ought to be, and we could live quite contentedly with "what is."  It's been pretty nice so far, hasn't it, Mack?  Huh?  Well, it is when you wasn’t comparing it to what you knew ought to be.  Now, if I compare “what ought to be” with "what is", it comes out in a mess right now, doesn't it?  Hmm?  Right now it should be cooler, the air-conditioner should be more cool in here.  Uh… people ought to be leaving $1,000 apiece to come here tonight.  Marcy, it would help pay the bills, wouldn't it?  You know, that's some of the things that ought to be, but that's not what is.

Now, when I compare "what is" with what I think it “ought to be’, "what is" comes out looking pretty shoddy.  Is that right?  Hmm?  And if I don't compare it to anything, I'm simply enjoying it, isn't it utterly amazing?

I work with a guy who says, "It's amazioney, that's what it is."  So it's really amazing that we can walk and see and hear and touch and speak to each other, and be aware of what's going on around us, and just simply being alive.  That is very amazing.  But if I know what ought to be, I'm in a pitiful shape, aren't I?  Hmm?  Real bad.  I can feel so sorry for myself.  And very justifiably too.  So we'll leave that one; that's surrender.

You need not worship Me. [Period.]  In the heart there is that which is one with Me.

In other words, there's a little bit of I in here which is one with X.  It is that which says “what” without making a judgment about it or anything.  I'd draw a line under that thereAnd then there's another kind of "I" we put out here with little quotations marks around it, which is the false ones.  

You need not worship Me. 
In the heart there is that which is one with Me.

Now, you certainly don't have to worship something that's one with you.  You don't have to worship a toe, or a foot.  Now, I'm very thankful that thing’s down there, but I don't worship it. 

But if you do sincerely worship any God or any godlike man or anything of heaven, earth or hell, then you do unknowingly worship Me.

So if you worship anything, even money, it says you are worshiping “Me” because you know the whole thing’s made - there isn't anything else anyway.

Have you an ideal?  I am that.  Have you a love?  I am that.

That's really what you care about. 

You need not believe Life's word.

You don't have to believe a thing in this book.

You shall feel in the heart that I am there, but I have given you also a brain to question, and to analyze, and deny.  Fear not to use it.

In other words, challenge everything.  You know, there's nothing more unspiritual than to be gullible. That is sometimes called “faith”.  You know, you just believe somethin’ because some joker stood up and talked loud and clear and said it, or you found it written in a book.  And after all, everything in a book has to be true - you know that, don't you?

So there's nothing more holy than to question and challenge, because that's the only way you're really gonna ever find out anything.  Period.  Not by bein’ gullible.  If you just believe something because somebody you chose to look at it as an authority said it, or some book you was told was an authoritative book, you're just bein’ gullible, not spiritual.  And let's don't call that faith; let's just call that what it is – bein’ gullible.  Most of us have a large supply of it.  That makes us pretty sitting ducks for about everthing comes along.

You need not believe Life's word.  You shall feel in the heart that I am there, but I have given you also a brain to question and to analyze and deny.

 Please use it. 

Fear not to use it for I have sanctioned its power
both to question and to analyze and also even to deny.

Cause sometimes you can’t ever figure out anything and you have to start over a little bit.

You will be told that I am all-powerful and always cause My will to be done. Whether the thought comes to you to penetrate into the Holy mysteries of My revelation, or that other impulse comes to you to refuse or neglect My message, know that both of these are from Me and are sent unto you in order that you may be called by that one
which appeals to you the strongest.

So something in here (through the next day while we work on this) will appeal to you very strongly.  Now, I hope not all of it does, because that would look a little bit gullible.  But there will be some phrase - one of the mysteries in here - that will appeal to you.  I have been through this a number of times and there's one that appeals to me, and it is the only one that really appeals to me, but it takes care of everything else.  I don't need to bother with the rest of it.  That makes all of it straight and nice.

So, one of ‘em’s going to be strong.  If you listen along here and there, it will hit you in the head; and then we can all go home as soon as the last one got hit.  You know, we can all take off then because we won't have to go fiddlin’ along.  Let me know when the last one gets done.

If the thought comes unto you that this message is not inspired of Me,

Maybe some joker just wrote it some night or whatever.

then be sure that it is not for you as being the message of authority.

And I hope it's not a message of authority to anyone.  Because if it's accepted as an authority, you would either have to make me an authority or the printed page; and I'll guarantee you neither one are.  So let's leave all the authority "bit" off and that's what is said back here - deny it, challenge it, question, analyze it – do anything you want to, but don't just take it on.

But it is for you just as you see it.  If you are filled with wrath that My authority be claimed for all that is done, know that such wrath also is Divine and that I inspire it in the heart and make it serve My will.

Nothin’ wrong with being wrathful every once in a while.  You say, "Why, that is the most damnable mess of stuff I ever heard!  It's against every religious principle I ever heard.  It's against ever spiritual teaching."   Hang in there, hang on; that's the way he wants you.

My authority is a claim for all that is done.  Know that such wrath also is divine; and that I inspire it in the heart and make it serve My will.

So just let it sit there. 

I do all things well, and it shall be well for you
if you can take this message as being of no authority…

It may throw an idea out, but don't take it as an authority and say, "Man, I gotta believe that!"  Because, phht—terrible! 

…except as My voice in your own heart speaks.

So if you hear something and it hits you, it's all right.

In all writings, all speech and all language there is no voice but Mine.

Do you suppose that if there wasn't Life in one of these bodies here tonight, any one of ‘em could say one word?  Did you ever see a corpse start talking?  If you do, I'll run.  Did you?  So Life is the only thing that can talk.  So, remember Life is doing the talkin’, not a person, and not a personality or anything.  So…

In all writings and all speech and all language there is no voice but Mine.

says Life.

That which calls you not is no voice at all.  But that which calls you, whether it be bold, or to surrender, is My voice alone.

So, it sometimes tell you to fight and sometimes it might say surrender; but if it does, that's Life.

I live and love in the body.

Now the body would not be alive if X, Spirit, whatever we choose to call it, is not there.  We then have a relic left on our hands, a dead body, huh?  So if it's there, that's what's running the thing. 

I live and love in the body.  When you say “I am” or “I love”, then that is Me speaking.  When you say, “I have”, or “I want”, or “I believe”,
then that is the self-consciousness speaking for itself.

Now we've talked about not-I’s, as lack of a better word to refer to, that this one here [See ‘Picture of Man’ in Illustrations section] says, “the whole purpose of living is to be non-disturbed.” I’m not goin’ through those. And this one says, “complain” and this one, “stick up for rights” and this one, “blame”, and this one says, “please everybody”.  This one says, “quote the proper authority”, and this one says, “you've gotta improve yourself”.  Now that is called the “personality” or the “self-consciousness” speaking for itself.  It is not I - it is not Life at all; and so most bodies are operated by personality, not by Life.  However, Life does kinda balance things up and keeps things going in spite of all this stuff. 

And behold the self-consciousness shall die with its possessions and desires and beliefs; but I am undying forever.

Says life. Now it says that these things here will die.  And the personality made up out of complainin’, stickin’ up for rights, blaming, pleasin’ people, tryin’ to quote proper authorities, improving self, and knowing that the Four Dual Basic Urges [See Illustration section] are the whole purpose of living.  The Four Dual Basic Urges are the desire to have total comfort - physical, mental, emotional, and psychically, and otherwise and to escape the other one.  So it is trying to gain physical comfort, attention, approval, and a sense of being important; and it wants to escape physical pain and the pain of being ignored or rejected or disapproved of.  Now, if anybody wants to check out what personality is doing, it's not very difficult to see if the greatest amount of time and effort isn’t spent on that little chore.  Would that be about right, Miss Mary?  Tryin’ to gain physical comfort, to get attention, approval?

You know, I have people call me up and say, “I only slept an hour last night.  It was so horrible and I tried all night to get to sleep.”  Well does anybody here know how to get to sleep?  If you do, you got somethin’ to sell.  You know how to get to sleep or do you just drop off to sleep and after awhile you wake up?  You know when you're tryin’ to go to sleep, you can't.  When you're trying to digest your food, you don't do very well at it.  When you're trying to keep your heart running regularly, it jumps all over the place.  And if you're trying to be very comfortable, you'll find a jillion little itches, a little tension here, a little pull there.  You better turn this way and you better turn that way.  Heavy, you know, it’s just heavy.  So I tell a lot of folks that come in to visit me, that no self-respectin’ body will work well while being spied on.  And I'd like for you to kind of put that down in your little notebooks somewheres that, “No self-respecting body will work well while being spied on.”  Now we'll even further extend that.  “No self-respecting Awareness will work well while being spied on.”  And Spirit says, “You spy on me, I'm long gone.”

So, uh, you can't very well spy on things, and if you also notice some day, when you have nothing else to do, that all your sensory organs are directed to the outside.  You hear sound waves from outside - thank goodness you don't hear what's rattling in your head unless you become psychotic.  You don't smell your breath and everthing; you smell other things from the outside.  You don’t hear things rattlin’.  You don't see inside; you see things on the outside.  So if you notice all the sensory organs - touch, taste, smell, hearing, etc. - all turned outward.  And when you turn ‘em around and try to feel of what's going on inside, you become in a very anxious state - very anxious.  So I would like to suggest if anybody wants to check this out, that tonight when you go to bed, you try to get to sleep in one minute.  Don't fiddle around there and just let it fall in and happen after a while.  You really get with it and force yourself to sleep with willpower and strength and knowledge, will you please?  (laughter)  And you'll all go to sleep about 9:30 in the mornin’ and we don't have to work tomorrow, while you sleep all day.

You have a body, but you are not the body.

You're not the body. 

You have a consciousness of self-existence, but you are not the consciousness.  What then are you?  Body you are not, consciousness you are not - you cannot tell what you are!

Isn't that just about right?  You know, I have people come in and they say, "My body hurts me.  My mind’s driving me crazy.  And I have to save my soul and I have to watch everything I do."  Now, what is there left over?  What's sayin’ "I" there?  There isn't anything left.  What would you think it might be, after all that, that you claim you own?  You've heard those phrases haven't you:  “My mind, my body, my soul, my spirit, my past, my future,” and all these things?  Now do you own all that stuff.  “My symptoms” - don't forget those.  “All my symptoms.”  Organ recitals people give.  (laughter) They go through organ after organ - “the liver don't work well, the heart's not good, my diaphragm’s stuck, my stomach’s slow, my knee is not working well, my skin breaks out.”  You know, it's one organ after another you hear about.  So when you go through all this, what's left over to do the claiming?

So really what most people conceive of themselves, is a verbal device to avoid responsibility.  You see “if my body hurts me,” I'm not responsible.  “My mind’s drivin’ me nuts.”  I'm not responsible for that - the mind's doin’ it.  “My body hurts me, my thoughts kept me awake all night last night.  See I'm just not responsible at all, am I?”  Hmm?  Isn't anything there to be responsible.  Nothing there to take charge.

So unless we can conceive that I means whatever Life is, we can get the sense of awareness situated in X, not in one of these things, or this, or this out here, you know.  “I'm a cowboy.”  That’s my function.  That don't mean any thing.  So if I can see that I am an expression of Life, and I am responsible for choosing what I will do.  About right, isn’t it?  Hmm?  You couldn't say, "Well, my hand just hauled off and bopped her," could you?  Mmm?  I've heard people say it did.  You know, it's like when we drop a cup, we say the cup slipped out of my hand.  You know, the damn cup did it - anybody can see that.  I didn't have nothin’ to do with it.  And cars do a lot of things you know.  They go out of control.  (laughter)  Did you ever hear about that?  Did you ever see a car just run and get out of control?  Does your 280 ZX ever wander off and get out of control?  It's liable to some of these days, isn't it?

And isn't it wonderful to hear about “my emotions got all out of control last night,” hmm?  Who do they belong to?  Crap, you don't own any emotions.  They’re just things that happen when you're not in charge, that right?  But you can blame those emotions for doin’ things to you, can't you?  Did you ever say “my temper just run away with me,” hmm?  Did you ever do that, Beth?  “My temper is just uncontrollable.” You know it ordinarily has a little chain on it or a little leash or a collar.  I guess it's like Bekki's dog.  It’s got a rhinestone collar, but ever once in a while, you drop the chain or the collar breaks and then it takes off.  Isn't that marvelous?  Man…

You are I, myself!

It says in big, bold capital letters here.  “You are I, myself.”  That's what's really doin’ the talking.  X is the only thing that can talk; the rest of it is just rattling around there. 

You are one with Me.

Now that is something that maybe we could conceive of as a big principle, but we haven't experienced it, so don't try to experience somethin’ just goin’ around and mouthing it off because you've seen the fundamental principle of it.  It's laid out here.  “You are I, myself,” says Life.  “You are one with me.”

Yes, you are that, are God of Gods, Creator of Worlds, the beginning and the ending, the All-power, the triune glory of Life, truth and love…

Boy what pretty words. 

…which you have been designed to make the body Its habitation.  The body is My temple wherein I dwell, and through which I express My will.

Now doesn't Life dwell within the body?  And we've all seen bodies without Life in ‘em and we get very pious and say,  "Here lies the remains."  We're very holy about it.  We don't think much’a Life.  But what's left over we get very touchy about.  We get very sentimental over carcasses and dead bodies, but we don't seem to really realize that, "Look, I'm talkin’ to Life there.”  I'm lookin’ at Life here.  I'm speakin’ to Life.  I love Life.  I appreciate it and everything.  We don't see that, but boy, we really get very pious and drop everything and go see a dead body, don’t we.  Isn't that funny?  You ever done that, you know?  Just dropped your business and household things and everything and took off to some parts because there was a dead body over there somewheres?

Mama used to drag me to those things, but I haven't been to one under my own will power except once; and they asked me to say a word over him.  So I went and said,  "Well, old Harry left us a little chore: get rid of the remains.  Let's get it done and go home."  (laughter)  And the undertaker got very upset because he was all set for tears and all this stuff.  He kept tryin’ to get to them, and I said, "Look, man, we're paying you, let's get this job done that Harry left us to do."  So he grabbed up a rose and went and put it on old Harry's wife who hadn't spoke to him for five years without screeching at him, and he tried to get her all wound up.  And I went and took the rose and said, "Let's get it over with!" and he finally understood me.  And we’d hired him and let's get old Harry's remains in the ground - that's what he left us to do.  So.  That was the shortest funeral presentation in all history:  “Let's get it over with.  Harry said get rid of this.  That's what he left us to do - what he couldn't do for himself.”

In due season thou shall feel the ever present “I am” and “I love” in the heart, then you will know that you are Mine.  That the mouth speaks My voice, that the heart beats with divine impulse and that I live in you.

Now a great teacher many years ago that we've all read about said,  "The Father and I are one."  Now they got a little commotion started and they nailed him to a tree for makin’ a foolish statement like that because nobody could understand it.  And of course, I wouldn't suggest you go out and say it today.  They won't nail you to a tree, but they have places where they lock you up or give you some very powerful drugs so you forget foolishness like that, real quick.  But don't mind to be aware of it if it should ever be aware to you.  But you don't have to run around and tell everybody.  It's dangerous.

In due season that you feel the ever present “I am”, and “I love” in the heart, then you shall know that you are Mine.  That the mouth speaks My voice, that the heart beats with divine impulse, and that I live in you.

This body.  And that is one of the greatest things I think that one can come up and realize, and as far as I'm concerned, it eliminates all troubles in the world.  Now, I didn't say ‘challenges” ‘cause Life is full of challenges.

If you go out and look in the desert, you'll see a tree growing up against rocks.  You see it growing in sand piles.  You see it growing through brambles.  You see things that really looks like they have no chance of bein’ there.  But Life has all these challenges.  But, you know I've never seen one of those little cactuses or those little desert trees complaining about how hard it is to get along:  “We've only had three inches of rain this year.”  Did you ever hear one of those little plants crying and moanin’ and feelin’ sorry for itself and trying to sell you on how unfortunate it was?  Have you ever had that, Mary?  Huh?  Did you ever see a little dandelion moanin’ because the wind was going to blow its beautiful hair away, hmm?  Or that somebody was gonna run over it with a lawn mower?  You know if you do… Did you ever run over a dandelion with a lawn mower?  They beat you back up ‘fore mornin’.  Did you ever cut crabgrass?  Oh man.

So Life will have its challenges, but once you see what you really are, then you will not have troubles.  Now, most people here have troubles.  That right, Beth?  You've had your lots of troubles.  I talked to an old man one time many years ago when I was rattlin’ off some of this stuff I talk about.  And he said,  "Say, Bob… what you're really saying is what I finally caught on to the other day.  I'm a very old man and I've lived a very long time, and I've had an awful lot of trouble - damn little of which ever happened."

Now has most of the trouble you’ve ever had ever happen, or did you just worry that it was going to?  Did you ever starve, Mary?  Did you ever worry that you would be totally without funds, have no way to eat and sleep, thrown out on the street cold and hungry like the poor little match girl of Baghdad - no friends, no cares, nobody to care for you?  We've all had those kind of troubles, haven't we, more or less?  Except for Miss Monroe back here – she don’t have it.  I think she did once, but she forgot about it.  You had that once when you was a kid, didn't you? 

Perhaps you think now that you are a separate soul, but hereafter you shall see the heavens opened into the heart and then you shall see that I and I alone exist.

Now if there wasn't any Life, there wouldn't be anything existin’.  There may be a bunch of mud balls floatin’ around, but there wouldn't be anything to be aware of it, would it?  So Life is the only thing that can be aware of anything.  So it's the only thing that can really does, can say, “I exist”, is Life.  The rocks and all that don't do that. 

And that there is no other soul or spirit but Me.

Life is what we're all talkin’ about.  Now you may use all kinds of other words, but even the Scripture that some of us read once in a while says, "God is Life."  So we take that kinda lightly.  We forget all about it, but nevertheless as we look around, we'll see that that is what is going on.  And talk about miraculous things It does - just study it.

We're writing a little book called "The Magic Book"; and the "Magic Book" takes on some of the things that Life does.  Now, would you think it was a magical stunt if I could take a ham sandwich and a glass of milk and hit it with my little magic wand and make a human finger out of it?  You'd think that’s a pretty good stunt, wouldn't you?


Life does it every day, and we take it for granted - totally unconcerned.  We eat it up and it makes human flesh and blood in a matter of hours.  No labs or anything else can do that - even the people with genetic tinkerin’ can't do it.  So there’s only one thing that really exists that matters, and that is Life.

Do you say, "Is there none but God?"

That's the question. 

Then who am I? 
Then you say it no more for this Mystery shall be revealed unto you.

That is called the First Mystery.  The mystery will be you're not going to force it, you're not going to make it happen, you are not going to do anything to fudge it over or anything.  It is simply going to be one day you're aware that Life is "what is."  And that Life is a mystery beyond all comprehension, but that you can be aware that you are Life; and I still say from there on you have no problems.  I did not say you wouldn’t have challenges. I didn't say the wind wouldn't blow cold on you some day and that you'd be uncomfortable.  I didn't say you wouldn't stump your toe on a rock and hurt your toenail.  I didn't say you wouldn't get sunburned or anything, but you would be quite content for that to be cause Life goes on and takes care of all those things very, very nicely. 

It's only when the person is operated by this non-I that says the whole purpose of living is to be totally non-disturbed at every minute, then we're not content to have any disturbance.  But you know that's not so necessary because nothing thrives well unless it has a bit of resistance.  We say there is four different forces goin’ around - they all work together as one.  There is “Initiative”, “Resistance”, “Form” and “Result” and they all go to make up any completed phenomenon.  [See The Four Forces in Illustration Section]  Without any resistance, you don't get much.  If you planted a bean seed in a pot on the porch and kept it just damp and everything, it will grow a sprout, but you'll never get a bean plant because it has no resistance.  You'll just get a bean sprout and it it’ll fizzle out before very long.  It dies because there is no resistance.  If there's no resistance to anything, it comes to a screamin’ halt before very long, ok? That right?

So can we be simply that “Life is” and that I'm quite content with it like it is.  I'm not gripin’ and so forth (I use the word called “gritchin’” – that keeps me from sayin’ all the rest of it) because everything isn't just like I want it.  Or am I quite capable of seeing that Life makes everything run along?  It's been running this situation called planet Earth with Life on it for innumerable number of years that we don't know anything about.  And who are you and I to come up and say we can straighten it all out like it ought to be, right quick?  I've noticed that all the people who try to straighten it out sure make messes.  It takes even Life a long time to get it straightened out after that. 

Ok, we’ve been talkin’ for about an hour.  Marcy, do we go one more tonight or is one enough tonight and start from there?  Donna?

(Whatever you feel up to.)

Well, I always feel up.  I can talk all night but I’m not goin’ to, but what is your usual arrangement?  It’s nine-thirty.  Want another session?  Take a five minute break and start over again?  Ok, we’ll have a five minute break and we will continue.

Second Mystery:  All Is Good

Again, Life is doing the talking, not some person. 

I have developed the body by devious means,
that it might be a habitation for Me.

In other words, not every body seems to be a habitation which Life can express itself clearly through.

Generations after generations of bodies have gone before yours, 
each generation adding strength to the constitution
and eliminating some weakness; and now, if you can
receive it, the body is ready for the consciousness of My presence.

Possibly it took millions of years or thousands of years, or if you have some other idea, maybe it only took 6,000 years.  But whatever it is, that Life is saying somewheres along here that bodies at one time (or a given set of bodies) very few were capable of having the strength and the necessity of saying that, “Life is present here” or that, “Spirit is present here”.  And it took a long time and so there's been lots of turmoil in the times. 

Though devious…

I've had a lot of people object to this word ‘devious’; but devious doesn't mean unholy or anything.  It means by using any and all methods at command to do something.  So devious has been twisted around.  I think in the English language it basically means somewhat dishonest or attempting to deceive or something.  But devious means, as it's used here, to use any and all methods to construct a human body that could be ready for the consciousness of ‘My presence’. 

Through devious means have I brought you, providing every influence that would appeal to you, in order that bodies shall be developed
to whom nothing can appeal but My will.

Now we all know that bodies can be appealed to by many things through personality that can appeal to many things that are destructive to it.  It says if you get the body so well developed that nothing of these destructive things seems to appeal to it.  And I'm sure a lot of people here understand what that means. 

Have I not hardened the heart to the cry of the oppressed,
and suffered you to be tempted to sin,

Whatever that may mean.  Sin means to miss the mark, incidentally, not doing something that somebody told you not to do. 

and have I not fed you on the poisoned fruit of the forbidden tree
of the so-called “knowledge of good and evil?”
The picture we had a while ago, each of those things on there [the six decisions in the Picture of Man] thinks it knows what's “good” and what's “evil”.  I don't know what's good and what's evil cause I don't know what's gonna be the outcome of it two weeks from now, two years from now, or 20 years from now; and I don't believe that anybody else here does.  Do you, Bobby?  So how would I know it was gonna be evil, you know?  Suppose we had a flood and it washed somebody's house off tonight?  We don't know what would have happened had the house stood for another two weeks.  We don't know that, so we don't know what's good and what’s bad.

Yes, all this have I done that characters might be developed in the formation and organization of bodily frames
which would be immune from such poison.

What it seems to be saying is that if the body is so well put together that it’s immune to many of these ideas that it knows what ‘ought to be’ and this is ‘right’ and this is ‘wrong’ and this ‘should be’ and it gets angry and it gets upset… it says if the body is put together well enough, it won't do that and that Life has been workin’ on those kinds of bodies, bodies that are immune to such things.  It's like gradually people get immune to various poisons that are around because you build up such a well constitution.  We're even told by gardeners that if you raise your plants strong enough, that the bugs don't eat on ‘em.  Ever practiced that any?  Good, organic gardening.  I don't know of any other kind; but you know, all gardening is organic as far as I'm concerned.  But the healthier the plant is, the less it is consumed by bugs and blights and all these things.  So the stronger the human body can be, the better well it's constructed and put together, and the least we damage it, it gets so that many of these things which have been easily believed by people and so forth can no longer have any affect on them because it doesn't appeal to them. 

Through cycles of time has the false “knowledge of good and evil”...

You know all people know what's good and evil - in fact, we have been taught it, we have legislated it and everything else, thinkin’ we knew.

Through cycles of time has the false “knowledge of good and evil” poisoned the blood of My people - My bodies.

says Life. 

But unto you who can awake from the dream of evil
induced by that poison shall be shown the Second Mystery.

The words of the Second Mystery are known to many, and are used by many to perform wonders; yet you need not pass lightly by these words.
For many have healed diverse diseases with these words and yet have never known their true meaning.  On the heart I write these words,

This is the Second Mystery mentioned in this book.  And it says


I would say, without saying that it’s good or bad, that it's all “all right for now.”  I don't know any better way for it to be; it's ok.  So we have a great tendency to feel that everything ought to be “straightened up”, “fixed up”, “all people ought to be straightened out” and everything, but it's all right like it is. Really, it's doin’ ok.  Because all of the resistance that we make every effort to see that there isn’t any resistance.  You know, that’s what’s called improving and developing the great society and so forth, is to have one where there’s no resistance – I guess that’s what everbody’s workin’ at a little bit.  Now we know that resistance is absolutely essential for life to evolve, develop well.  If you never did anything but laid in the sack and had somebody come turn you over every now and then so you wouldn't have any effort to move any muscle at all, you'd turn into a blob of Jell-o after a while and you wouldn't survive.  The more you're challenged… maybe you go to a gym and push iron or whatever.  That's the way you get strong.  You don’t get strong from resting.  You get strong from challenging and doin’ things.  You see lots of people out, at least where I live, jogging.  They're gettin’ stronger, you know, by doing that.  And you go over in another place, and you see a lot of people movin’.  I read the other night in a book that we had the only society where anyone who really worked like a dog was doin’ it for sport.  Now, if you really go out and put out some effort, you’re doin’ it for sport.  You don't have to do it to make a living anymore.  That right, Mack?  You don't have to work hard to make a livin’, do you?  So if I ever see you doin’ something, it's sport that you’re exercisin’ your muscles, or movin’ or doin’ anything, it’s strictly for fun, isn't it?  Isn't that funny that we’ve got to the place where the only way that you can exercise is by havin’ fun or sport?  But that seems to be necessary for bodies to get strong.

So the Second Mystery is that “all is all right; it's ok just like it is.”  Now let's respond to ‘what is’ instead of fighting with it and deciding how we're going to improve the situation so there would be no resistance to anybody. 

Say you herein is no mystery? 
Yet you shall see Me when you see that “all is good.”

You will see Life for what it is when you see.  And you will recognize you are Life when you really see that “all is good”.  Now a lot of people say it.  Last Saturday we went to a… quite a little thing.  I won't tell you about it.  I wouldn't want you to know I went there.  But nevertheless, there was a lady who was propounding a lotta great and wondrous things; and she’s saying this world wasn't fit to live in.  Now I haven't been to any one I'd wanna live in other, have you?  She was gonna leave and go to some higher realm, but she had already said a few minutes ago that she was bringin’ in some great, exalted beings, and that this world was going to be one “joy-pool” very shortly.  And she'd get crossed up on this every once in a while.  She doesn't want to be here, but then, well now, they’re comin’ and everything’s gonna to be all right.  I think it's all right like it is today.  I find it's quite all right to live here.  I have food, clothing, shelter, transportation, interesting things to do, delightful friends and companions and everything is goin’ on all the time.  Now what do you add to that?  It feels good, lovely people around you.  Here we sit in a room with a bunch of very delightful people.  I've been here before and they were very delightful the last time.  So it's not “put on” or show.  It's real, it's genuine – cause it's always the same.  I been here a lot of times.  So what else you lookin’ for, huh?  What are you lookin’ for?  Is it all right like it is, or does everything need to be changed?  What about it?  

I am God.  I live in all bodies and am omnipotent. 
You cannot find any so-called evil place, but I am there. 
I, and only I am there, developing My body by devious ways.

Some of ‘em looks a little rough sometimes. 

In every impulse I live, conforming to no rule.

You know we're the only ones that make rules.  Life doesn't make rules.  It says, "Well, let's adapt to that."  If it's real wet one year, the tree adapts to that, and if it's dry the next year, it adapts to that and so on down the line; and it goes on age after age—Life goes on doing the adapting.  But we think we ought to change everything so no adaptation would be required.  Is that right, Brother Mack?  If we could just get everything straightened up, we'd never be disturbed at all.  Then we could just sit here and turn into Jell-o.  Most of us are already there.

Think you that I conform to ANY rule or ideal or standard? That I must need work My will on the same patterns in another body that I have fixed in you?

You know, it don't work the same in all of us.  Having one time been involved in the practice of medicine, I know that a drug will have one affect on one person and the next one have an altogether different affect.  You know that about food.  One of us can eat it and just feel wonderful; and somebody else eats it and they don't feel so hot and so on down the line.  We're all a little bit different and sometimes a whole lot different.  So it says it works on each one different.  So don't be fiddling about how the other one's worked on.

In you I fix a mental pattern which finds fault with My Life in another body.

You know, we all see other people doin’ things we think they shouldn't be doin’.

Yes, I call with all voices that each body may differently obey,
for all obey My will in the end.  When you behold My work putting to blush the mental ideals and sense of fitness, do you say in the heart,  “Such cannot be God's will”?

I've had people say,  "Well, there couldn’t be a God let have wars…" but you know, if you wanna play a game of war, I guess it's all right, go play it.  Maybe it has an effect.  Maybe you get stronger or something; but, at least, maybe we’ll finally wake up and see that's a senseless way to do things.  I don't know, but it seems it’s got some value in it.  I just don't want to get involved in one; that's my business.

When you behold My work putting to blush the mental ideals and sense of fitness, do you say in your heart, “Such cannot be God's will"?

You know, I saw a big banner across the town about two years ago I was goin’ through over in Arizona and some man was in town putting on a revival campaign.  And he had a big sign strung across there, "What does God think of Tucson?"  I don't think He gave it a second thought, myself, or the first one either.  I don't think he knew the damn place existed.

Or do you say, “If such is God's will then he's no God to me?”

“A god that will let little children die, will let pretty ladies have this and that and so forth, is no God; He's cruel, there can be no God!”  I've heard these good folks say, "We know that if there was any God, he wouldn't let this and that happen."  You know they base their frame of reference on that the only way things can be all right is when we’re totally non-disturbed. That is what we call not-I's talkin’.  I wouldn't want to live if there wasn't some challenge, would you?  Or would you like to be pampered away?

You know, they have a thing – do they have ‘em around here anywheres, probably in Dallas or Houston, where you have sensory deprivation tanks?  Hmm?  They're very big in California.  You go down and lay in a pot of salt water in a closed tank so you have no sensory.  The water is so strong in salt you float so you can't even feel your skin on a bed or anything; totally deprive you of all senses.   That's supposed to really be wonderful.  Now there's a lot of people here that used to do it with another method, is that right, Clyde?  You used another method to deprive yourself.  Huh?  (laughter)  If you could get a big bottle, you could get almost the same thing.  That’s “tanked”.  That's why they call that bein’ tanked, wasn't it?  It was ahead of its time.

Then it is still well with you, for behold it is I that live in you
prompting the speech!  Until you are ready to live consciously as Me,

That's quite a little statement—“until you're ready to live consciously as Me.”  Living Life, not trying to fit somebody's standard, some ideal, be some “goody good two shoes” or anything else; that you're ready consciously to live as Life and Life doesn't have any rules by it.

it is well that you should conform to the ideals which you have set up for the self. Until you are moved by inspiration and love, 
it is well that you should be moved by conscience and desire.

You know conscience is one of those things says, “You shouldn't have done that.”  That's a not-I.  There's one that says you should do it and then as soon as it gets you to do it, it runs and the other one says,  "Now you've screwed up.  Now you'll pay for it forever." 

If you have a desire in the heart laying down any rule of action for others,

You know that's easy.  We can sure set ‘em up for other people.

wishing them to be what you call “good” and to conform to the thought of “right” or of  “duty”, or of that which they “ought to do”, then you will say, “Can such things be God's will?” when you see all My works.

Because, “I know what ought to be; and if this is going on, it’s sure not God's will.” 

I have no desire.  But unto you, until you are ready for My glory, I give all desires which the form of the mind can accept.  Whether you do desire for the self or for others or for both the self and others, whether you do desire possessions or “goodness” or that others shall be “good”; in all cases these desires are sent unto you by Me, in order that the body shall gain strength toward expressing that joy of Life which I am, and which is beyond desire.

Now, desire does put a terrific strain on the body as you might know.  It's kinda like lifting weights or jogging five miles or ten miles or mountain climbing or something.  Having a desire puts a heavy strain on.  Now of course, the only way we get stronger is having strains, is that right?  Could you get stronger, Mack, by sittin’ and thinkin’ positive?  Or by pumpin’ iron?  You better believe it.  So it's well that the mind is strengthened or the Awareness is strengthened.  The inner being is strengthened by havin’ all these desires which gives us a lot of strain - because that's the way we get strong.  I think there's other ways more fun but that's all right.  That's one way it’ll do it.

I justify all things.

It didn't say “we” justified it.  Life said, “I justify all things.”

I justify all things.  Let all who use the sacred words, "All is good", and work many cures thereby, know that these words justify every separate body and act.  I am Truth.

Now, people are always wanting to find truth.  Well, what you're trying to find is Life.  It's not all that big a deal, you know.  It's sittin’ right here.  Did you ever notice that?  Pinch yourself and see.  Now you don't really have to hunt for it.  I had a friend one time, he went onto the Happy Hunting Ground.  He was always saying he had spent his life searching for truth.  He looked under lots of rocks, but all he ever found was worms and bugs and grubs; and you know he never did catch on that Life was sittin’ right there all the time.  He finally departed this world without ever realizin’ that Truth and Life and Love are synonyms and that they all exist in us at all times; but we go looking to the ends of the earth for it. I know people who buy tickets and go to India lookin’ for truth.  I know some who go to Scotland to look for truth.  I know people who go to all sorts of places to look for truth.  Truth is another name for Life.  Is that right, Mack?  Where would you look for it?

(Dallas I guess.)

Well, I saw it here this day.  I saw it in Houston.  I saw it in San Diego this mornin’.  I saw it all the way from San Diego to Houston, and I saw it from Houston up here and I see it here.  Now what do we gotta hunt for truth for?  It's here.  You been a truth searcher, Marcia?  Where’d you look? 

(Every place but right here.)  

Every place but Life, is that right?  Well, if you ever wanna see truth, why, you look up and see something alive and you're watching it at work.  That's too damn simple, isn't it?  That takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it?  Huh?  The mystique.  

(It's not there.) 

Well naturally, it's not there; I don't know why I was looking for it.  It's like the guy who went to look for a schmo, but he didn't know what a schmo looked like.  So he looked everywhere and he couldn't find a schmo.  You don't know what truth is.  Truth is Life and if you don't know what truth is, you're just running around asking people's opinions, is that right?  We can get lots of those, can't we?  Somebody will tell me something any day. 

I am truth.  There is no truth but that which IS.  All of that which IS, is truth.

And all that really is, is Life.  Okay?

Have you a conscience?

That's one of those things that bugs you at night, you know. 

Have you a conscience that says unto you that you should do this and not do that?

Most of us have one of those cats.  You had one of those, Mack?

(You better believe it.) 

I had one when I was six years old.  I lived back in the hills of Appalachia, and it was a horrible sin to fish or play ball or something.  Well, one time a bunch of kids come by and we went down to the creek and one of ‘em tied a twine string around a bent pin and give it to me and I thought I was fishin’.  And that was just so much fun.  Until I got away from the creek and then this came up about that and, oh, that was terrible.  And I suffered agonies all week.  I knew I’d committed the unpardonable sin, hell-bound for glory, you know.  Oh man, that hurt.  That was terrible.  But about two weeks later those same kids come by and we wound up again down at the creek and again put me in there and that time I didn't feel quite as bad.  And then the third time they did it about another two, three weeks later, it didn’t bother me at all.  So I sit down to think about that. That was so terrible – that’s such agony.  I couldn't sleep; I couldn't eat.  That was terrible.  I was sick.  And after I did it three times, it didn't hurt a bit.  So I figured anytime that that conscience started acting up, run do it twice more right quick and go with it.  (laughter)  I told the preacher about that one time and he said that was called “searing the conscience with a hot iron.”  And I said I thought that was the only thing to do with one.  Sear it with a hot iron and get it out of the way quick, because it's nothing but a nuisance.

Have you a conscience which says unto you
that you should do this and should not do that?  I’ve given it to you!

He laid it on you so you'd get stronger. 

I have given you a conscience on every point that the form of the mind can receive.

You know we've got different ones, according to how much stuff we got.

Unto you I reveal its purpose, and in due time you will see My purpose
not only in giving you a conscience, but in giving each of My bodies a conscience, each differing from every other. 

You know, isn't that nice that you can feel guilty about something and somebody else can do the same thing and not feel guilty about it at all?  And they can do something and suffer with agony and you say, "Well, how could that be?" 

Used to, several years ago, before things got changed, Catholic folks could not eat meat on Friday without committing a mortal sin - unless you lived in New Mexico.  That was always exempt.  That's true.  I found that out plenty.  But several years ago they changed the rules.  Now then, you can eat meat anytime; Friday isn't all that holy, you know. It's everyday now.  So look at all the people who felt so guilty back in those days.  And then somebody who wasn't a Catholic said, "Why, I don't see how he could feel guilty about eating meat on Friday.”  You know, they just couldn't understand why somebody’d feel terrible about it; but they hadn't been taught it.

Now, if you had been taught that you never allow anybody to see you eat - it was shameful or bad in some way or other - you'd feel very guilty if you went around eating.  It would be rough on the restaurant business, but you could have been made that way, couldn't you?  All they had to do was tell you so.  You coulda been taught anything was right or wrong when you was a little kid and then you'd have felt guilty about it if you did otherwise.  So all it was what we were taught.  But it was handed down.  So that develops the organ of the mind that finally some day you'd want to check it out and say, “That's a bunch of stuff - I'm not going to feel guilty about nothin’.”

Now the organ of the mind which will afterwards express My
Freedom can best be developed by the struggle against bondage;
therefore, have I sent unto you all the bondage of conscience
which you can accept.

And that's what it is, it’s a bondage.  So you really only get free when you kick all bondage off.

Because the organ of the mind which shall afterwards express the sweet consciousness [not conscience] of Me can best be developed to that end by the oppressive self-consciousness, have I sent you all the self-consciousness which you can stand, working in you to prepare the mind to be wholly Mine, and wholly controlled by the breath of My inspiration.

Now if the mind isn't controlled by conditioning, it's possible for Life to use it.  But all the things that we have been conditioned that was “bad” because somebody told us so, wasn't it?  Huh?  And some of the things that we said was “good” was because somebody told us.  And, “You shouldn't do this”.  You know, if you happen to be a Mormon, you shouldn't smoke a cigarette or drink a cup of coffee or have a glass of wine.  If you're Episcopalian, you can do anything.  And so on.  I recommend most people be Episcopalian.  It’s better, if you gotta have one.  It's a good place to be buried, get married and have the babies christened and all that; don't put too much of a load on you.  Ever been to an Episcopalian church?  Did you get much load, or was it all nice and light?  You just did your duty by going there on Sunday mornin’ and listen to the mass and drop a little in the box and go through the ritual and walk away, is that right?  There's nothin’ wrong, nothin’ good, one way or the other… except don’t come to church and don’t put money in the box.  That's bad.

…have I sent thee all the self-consciousness which you can stand,
working in you to prepare the mind to be wholly Mine,

….says Life.

…and wholly controlled by the breath of My inspiration.  
So I say unto you that it is well that you are controlled by conscience,

…that thing that hurts.

and desire,

…which makes you anxious all the time because you haven't got it. 

until the mind is grown and you can become conscious of Me -   
thereafter to be controlled by inspiration and love.

And I do know that it is possible for a human being to get to that point.  I didn't say I had, but I do know it's possible - that Life can run the whole being by spontaneous response, not by a whole bunch of little rules that somebody laid on you that “it's good to do this” and “it's bad to do this” and so forth.  So now the Second Mystery is that all of it is ok.  Now, I know that an awful lot of people before mornin’ will know of a lot of things that should be straightened out and a bunch of people that should be straightened out.  Is that right?  You know a bunch of jerks that ought to be kind of straightened up a little bit.  Huh?  You know any of ‘em that ought to be kinda straightened out a little bit, Bobby? 

(Not at this moment.)

They're all, all right - right now.  Incidentally, you know people call about healings and so forth and generally about the only thing that you have to do for a healing to take place is to realize clearly and without any qualification that everything's ok with that person.  But as long as you know, “Well, the poor thing sure needs it; Lord, get with it and fix him up," they'll be worse off in the morning.  So you better keep your mouth shut.  But if you know they're all right, so what?  It's ok.  Now you can't do it against their will, but you can do anything if they're willing for it to be.  Can’t you, Mary?  Are you perfectly willing to feel good Mary? 


Oh, you're getting so you don't mind quite so bad.  Mary used to have some of the most horrible problems in all the world.  Nothing was like it really should be.  She was so terrible.  All Life was pickin’ on her, but only for one purpose, Mary. 

(I know.) 

To put a little pressure on you so you'd have enough strength to enjoy being good, enjoy feeling wonderful and enjoy being, okay?  Simple.  It's pretty nice to just enjoy being without trying to become this or straighten everything out.  So that is two mysteries.  I think there's something like twelve in this book.

So we will go through each of ‘em.  As I said when we started, that maybe one of ‘em will appeal to you.  I'm quite sure that at least one of them will and that one is the only one that you ever need.  The rest of ‘em are for somebody else.  And they will eliminate all your troubles - not all your challenges.

Okay, is there any questions anybody wants to ask tonight or any comments you want to make before we depart for the sleepy time?  Clear as mud.  Okay, we will not hold forth any questions.  Do you want me to continue on this in the mornin’ or you want me to take off on my usual jokin’?  I will still stay with Life’s Word if you want me to, all day tomorrow.  Anybody have any objections, or you want it to continue, or what?  You want to continue.  Ok, all all right.  The rest of you will tolerate it to those that want it.  We will continue with Life’s Word tomorrow, attempting to understand what Life is saying to us.  Now, some people have asked me how this book came into existence.  We printed it.


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